coding up automation API right now.. function just...
# general
coding up automation API right now.. function just failed.. living on the edge!!
Copy code
2021-10-08T20:39:52.862Z	7244c1c2-b69c-4f06-8e15-6abfac3ad1a8	INFO	    pulumi:providers:aws default_4_24_0  error: no resource plugin 'aws-v4.24.0' found in the workspace or on your $PATH, install the plugin using `pulumi plugin install resource aws v4.24.0`
await stack.workspace.installPlugin('aws', 'v4.24.0');
should fix it for you in node land
thanks, yea I had it for 4.23, but my package json had the
in it, so it upgraded to 4.24, but I had only installed 4.23, which was what was in there last time i built it an hour ago!
i just locked it for now to 4.24