Is there a way to not replace all resources just b...
# general
Is there a way to not replace all resources just because you change the credentials for a provider? To be more precise, we would like it to be possible run deployment to our kubernetes dev environment for all developers without creating new resources if they exists while using their existing credentials instead of storing config in pulumi yaml.
this sounds like you are trying to replace only provider
in a way yes
If I'm correct, you can use this trick: Initialize provider in the code.
pulumi up
-> creates a new provider Pass that to all resources, you need.
pulumi up --target NEW_provider_urn
This performs an update without replacement
this will replace
inside the state
so in theory I should be able to then run:
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pulumi up --target provider_urn
pulumi up
you can export stack and compare resources, they should have updated provider after the first command
This works for cloud resources, I hope it's not too different for k8s resources
can't get it to completely, but that could be because of the access issues I'm investigating 🙂 . Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try them out when I know I have the other pieces working as they should.
Good luck
Looks like it doesn't work. If I do that it tries to delete all resources that is using that provider.
For some reason it can't find the target it seems. So either I don't have the correct urn or it can't find it for some reason. The command I run is:
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pulumi up -y -s stackname --target "urn:pulumi:dev::nextjstemplate.deploy::pulumi:providers:kubernetes::k8s-provider"
hmm, all providers should be defined in stack. But like I said it may be a bit sketchy with k8s provider, I've noticed a bit different behaviour compared to cloud providers. I hope someone can help you better
Thanks, maybe someone else can help... I try to update my provider using
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pulumi up -y -s stackname --target "urn:pulumi:dev::nextjstemplate.deploy::pulumi:providers:kubernetes::k8s-provider"
but the message I get back when doing so is:
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could not be found in the stack. Did you forget to escape $ in your shell?
Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
there should be a dollar sign in there, how did you get the urn?
@billowy-army-68599, I did a pulumi stack export and
for providers to find the urn.
can you show me the command?
for the export?
pulumi stack export -s <stack name> | grep provider
i think
might be swallowing the
what's the output?
ok, I'll pipe it to file and check
hm, I think I might now what is going on. In the build server I create the provider in code using variables that I read from a secret and I control the name of the provider. Locally I run it but then use the default one. The name of the default provider won't match the one I create on my build server, so I guess that might be what is causing the issue. The name of the providers doesn't actually have a
, it is only the kubernetes resources that has that.
Is there a way to access the default provider instance and read out the config so I can control the creation of the provider?
Or the default config, if none is specified in yaml.
or set the name of the default provider
This sounds like what I've just described in another thread It would be good if you can share the example code. To use the specific provider you need to pass it explicitly to all resources including a component resource;cid=CRH5ENVDX
Code is pretty straightforward. If there is a config variable, which is a json, containing kubernetes config among other things we extract that and use that when creating the provider. If it isn't we set provider to
so the default one is used. So the question is basically how do I create a provider that is using the default settings? It seems like I can't use
new k8s.Provider("name")
, I think the provider complained about missing config when I did exactly that. The code I use to create the provider:
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export function createK8sProvider(kubernetesConfig: string, namespaceName: string) {
    return kubernetesConfig ? new Provider(`k8s-provider`, {
        kubeconfig: kubernetesConfig,
        namespace: namespaceName,
    }) : undefined;
I do add the provider to the resource options everywhere after this. What I would like to be able to do is one of the things below:
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export function createK8sProvider(kubernetesConfig: string, namespaceName: string) {
    return kubernetesConfig ? new Provider(`k8s-provider`, {
        kubeconfig: kubernetesConfig,
        namespace: namespaceName,
    }) : new Provider(`k8s-provider`);
Which I mead would be use the config if present, if it isn't create a new provider (using the same name) but with what ever default options that exists.
Maybe that actually works... thought I tried it before but maybe I did something else at the same time.
this happens to me quite often, I tend to check
pulumi stack export
quite often in this case. and compare it to the previous versions note: you need to sort the output
pulumi stack export | jq '.deployment.resources|=sort_by(.urn)'
to get consistent results
can I export previous versions?
@great-sunset-355, thank you. Your workaround seems to be working after I fixed my other issues.
Glad to hear that! Good job 🙂