hi folks, is there a way to create a resource in a...
# general
hi folks, is there a way to create a resource in a different region than the rest of the stack? for example S3 website is in eu-west-1, cloudfront uses an acm from us-east-1. how could i make this happen?
this is what i am facing
@few-army-64952 yes, you can set an explicit provider on the resource that defines the region example here: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/258d3bad0a00020704743e37911c51be63c06bb4/aws-ts-netlify-cms-and-oauth/cms/infrastructure/index.ts#L90-L98
and can i import a resource like that with the import command specifying the region?
you'd need to specify your own provider, if you do the import, just add the provider on afterwards