General question, though I know it applies to <#CR...
# general
General question, though I know it applies to #gcp... What's the status of the GCP providers? Activity seems to be down and the native repository hasn't seen any commits for a while. Do certain providers in Pulumi see better support than others?
all of our tier 1 providers (azure, gcp, google cloud) get the same level of support. the gcp provider just hasn't had any api updates from gcp in a little while, when they add new resources it'll get updated
@billowy-army-68599 -- Cool, it looks like it should be pretty hands off. But I noticed that it's missing this:
Although maybe there's a reason that it's not available?
@able-camera-57198 i'll double check tomorrow, but if it's not in the native provider yet, it's usually because it's not been added to GCP's JSON API, so we can't discover it
Ahhhh. That's kind of what I was wondering. Okay, so Googles JSON API may be incomplete at times then, eh? 🙂
they're actively working on adding services, same as AWS. Azure has the most complete api
the API itself to create the resources exists, but the JSON schema might not
Good to know though. I have quite a fair bit of terraform built out which I'd like to try converting over to pulumi.
you can mix and match providers though, so just use the
provider for anything missing
I really love the idea of being able to manage the deployment code using C#.
that's bridged from the tf provider
Hah, interesting.
Are there any plans/advice in mind for people to migrate resources from the gcp to the native provider in the future?
I'm cool to start out with the gcp provider and hand-bomb things over as they become available in native.
you shouldn't need to migrate in all honesty, if that you have works, then you're good to go. You can migrate using aliases for some things if the properties match, but the gcp provider will continue to be supported, so I'd use the google-native provider for anything supported, and fall back to the gcp provider where needed
I think I was reading about some inconsistencies between the providers for IDs though. I figured it'd be nice to land on one eventually over time.
Not in some huge rush, but obviously it's nicer to be able to stick to one eventually.
i might have missed it, but I don't recall anything related to that
There's been a few issues opened about it.
ah, touche!
Would it seem realistic to replace definitions for resources in pulumi code from gcp->google-native (as google-native evolves), delete the resource from state, and then re-adopt using the new definition?
yes that'd totally work
you could also deploy, delete from state, and use
pulumi import
Awesome. That really gives me confidence to keep rollin' with this conversion then.
At least I know I can match existing functionality, leverage some of the other features of pulumi and get strong typing, etc...
Thanks for your help 🙂 -- I only just started today and I've been reading and watching as many docs and tutorial videos as I can get my hands on.
let me know if I can help in any way!
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