Hey all! I am trying to use a resource imported fr...
# general
Hey all! I am trying to use a resource imported from another project but I get the error
'dependsOn' was passed a value that was not a Resource.
I'm unable to find any helpful explanation where the error comes from and most important how to solve it.
👀 1
the type signature is
dependsOn?: Input<Input<Resource>[]> | Input<Resource>;
so just a resource should work
@steep-portugal-37539 Yes. I suspect @bored-barista-23480 did pass an ARN as Output<string>
👍 1
That's what I find strange (and didn't make clear in my post, sorry for that): I did not explicitly set any
option. I'm just trying to use imported resources as an input.
uh? never seen that. you have code you can share?
It's really not that complicated. I tried to boil it down (don't confuse
). First project:
Copy code
def createSubnet(number: int, vpc: aws.ec2.Vpc) -> aws.ec2.Subnet:

    return aws.ec2.Subnet(f"SATORI-subnet-{number}",
        vpc_id                  = vpc.id,
        cidr_block              = getSubnetCIDR(number),
        availability_zone       = aws.get_region().name + availabilityZones[number],
        map_public_ip_on_launch = True,
        tags                    = {
            "<http://kubernetes.io/role/elb|kubernetes.io/role/elb>" : "1",
            f"<http://kubernetes.io/cluster/{clusterName}|kubernetes.io/cluster/{clusterName}>" : "shared"

def createNodeRole(name: str) -> aws.iam.Role:
    role = aws.iam.Role(name,
        assume_role_policy = json.dumps({
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Sid": "AllowAssumeRole",
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": {
                        "Service": "<http://ec2.amazonaws.com|ec2.amazonaws.com>"
                    "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

    for i, policy in enumerate(managedPolicyARNs):
                policy_arn = policy,
                role       = role,

    return role

# do stuff

subnets = [ createSubnet(number, vpc) for number in range(3) ]

clusherNodeRole   = iam.createNodeRole(f"SATORI-clusher-role")

# do stuff

cluster = eks.Cluster("SATORI-cluster",
    name                    = clusterName,
    skip_default_node_group = True,
    create_oidc_provider    = True,
    subnet_ids              = [ subnet.id for subnet in subnets ],
    vpc_id                  = vpc.id,
    instance_roles          = [ clusherNodeRole, backendNodeRole, \
        frontendNodeRole, accessoryNodeRole ]

# do stuff...

pulumi.export("subnetIds", map(lambda sn: sn.id, subnets))
pulumi.export("clusherNodeRole", clusherNodeRole)
pulumi.export("clusterCore", cluster.core)
Second project:
Copy code
clusterCore      = initStack.get_output("clusterCore")
subnetIds        = initStack.get_output("subnetIds")
clusherNodeRole  = initStack.get_output("clusherNodeRole")

backendNodeGroup = eks.ManagedNodeGroup("clusher-node-group",
        cluster          = clusterCore,
        node_role        = "clusherNodeRole",
        instance_types   = [ backendType ],
        node_group_name  = "clusher-node-group",
        subnet_ids       = subnetIds
        labels           = {
            "nodeType" : "clusher"
        scaling_config   = aws.eks.NodeGroupScalingConfigArgs(
            desired_size = config.backendSize["desiredSize"],
            min_size     = config.backendSize["minimumSize"],
            max_size     = config.backendSize["maximumSize"]
        tags             = {
            "<http://k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/MyCluster|k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/MyCluster>" : "owned",
            "<http://k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled|k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled>"   : "TRUE"