Hello. I am trying to create an AWS provider for a...
# general
Hello. I am trying to create an AWS provider for a different AWS account than the one the Pulumi program is launched with. I do so like this:
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const provider = new aws.Provider(`${acctName}-provider`, {
    region: "us-west-2",
    assumeRole: {
        roleArn: pulumi.interpolate`arn:aws:iam::${args.id}:role/${args.roleName}`
I later create a resource by passing the provider as the 3rd arg to the resource
{provider: provider}
. After running
pulumi up
, I receive the following message:
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aws:iam:Role (access):
    error: 1 error occurred:
    	* error configuring Terraform AWS Provider: IAM Role (arn:aws:iam::<<account id>>:role/<<role name>>) cannot be assumed.
    There are a number of possible causes of this - the most common are:
      * The credentials used in order to assume the role are invalid
      * The credentials do not have appropriate permission to assume the role
      * The role ARN is not valid
    Error: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
    	For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
How can I go about further debugging this?
I'd really like to see some sort of logs from the AWS sts API call. I've tried looking through the -v=9 logs and cannot find anything.
AH. I set AWS_PROFILE when running
pulumi up
and it worked! I've already set
in my config so it seems odd that I'd also need to set the env var...
Are you using the AWS backend? That uses only your env vars. The config is only for providers.
What does "AWS backend" mean in this context?
Where is your state file being stored? Have you defined the "backend" property in your Pulumi.yaml?
Pulumi is managing it.
So no, I have not specified anything special with the state file.
Ah. Then aws:profile should be the only thing you need.. at a guess, a new AWS provider isn't using the config that the default provider uses?
Plausible. My default provider will not have access to assume the role. Only the profile provider specified in my pulumi config aws:profile key would have access.
I've checked my code, and I note that I always explicitly pass a value for profile when I'm created a new AWS provider. So I haven't encountered this situation.
I recommend explicitly passing
new pulumi.Config("aws").require("profile")
to the profile of any AWS provider you create.
At least for providers using the default profile.
Just tried it out -- same error.
I pass the result of this:
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function getDefaultProfileProvider() {
    const profile = new pulumi.Config("aws").require("profile")
    return new aws.Provider("aws-default-profile", {
        profile: profile
to my role aws.Provider.
Does the profile specify a region? If not, can you add one there? And have you confirmed that the profile is allowed assume that role?
The profile does specify a region & it does have access. Running pulumi up with the env var set works. e.g.,
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AWS_PROFILE=profile-with-access pulumi up
So you're setting aws:profile in your Pulumi.x.yml file and it's not being picked up?
Maybe the format of the line is wrong? Can you paste it here?
It is only not being picked up for new new provider creation. Other top-level resources do pick it up.
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  aws:region: us-west-2
  aws:profile: profile-with-access
To be clear: I create many other resources with the default aws provider. At some point, I construct a new provider (as seen in the OP). That call fails unless I run
pulumi up
with AWS_PROFILE set.
I've reread thread. It looks like currently you're passing profile only into the default provider. The non-working provider doesn't have a profile set.
Is that correct?
Yes. The non-working provider should use the default provider to assume the role specified in assumeRole. I did try as you suggested to explicitly pass a provider to the non-working provider (using the getDefaultProfileProvider fn) and that resulted in the same error.
I think the profile is required. I don't see how
can help you pass the profile into the new provider?
Since the profile is a local variable within the function..
Could you clarify what "I think the profile is required" means?
You posted this code which I believe won't work:
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const provider = new aws.Provider(`${acctName}-provider`, {
    region: "us-west-2",
    assumeRole: {
        roleArn: pulumi.interpolate`arn:aws:iam::${args.id}:role/${args.roleName}`
You would need this code instead:
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const provider = new aws.Provider(`${acctName}-provider`, {
    region: "us-west-2",
    profile: profile,
    assumeRole: {
        roleArn: pulumi.interpolate`arn:aws:iam::${args.id}:role/${args.roleName}`
Hmm, that seems surprising. I interpreted the Provider args as the definition for the "target" aws account. The "source" being the provider passed to the Provider.
I will try it.
Yeah, the profile you set in config.yank is only used as config for the default provider, I don’t think pulumi knows to use it for custom providers
Consider the equivalent in the AWS credentials file. You cannot assume a role via
unless you also provide
(Or explicit
Yep, that did it! Thank you for your patience @little-cartoon-10569.
👍 1