hi all, I am using GCP cloud storage as my Pulumi ...
# general
hi all, I am using GCP cloud storage as my Pulumi backend, in my pulumi code, I attempt to create a new project and all the resources will be created in this project. On running pulumi up, the GCP project was created but when I attempt to attach billing to the project, it failed with:
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error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission
I have already run gcloud auth login and I am on the caller project, do I miss anything?
you simply might not have enough permissions to attach the billing
Are you sure you have sufficient permissions? IMO the simplest way to check this is to try manually assign the billing account using Google Web Console.
Normally, I’d suggest checking if you configured ADC (application default credentials) but since you successfully created the project, that’s probably not it. Just in case, you might run:
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gcloud auth application-default login
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You are not an administrator of any billing accounts. To enable billing on this project, create a new billing account or contact your billing account administrator to enable billing for you
I am getting this from the console, looks like permission issue?
in other words, this is not a pulumi issue and rather the permission/cloud config error
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