Hello All, I'm previewing Pulumi and I'm really en...
# general
Hello All, I'm previewing Pulumi and I'm really enjoying it so far....running into an issue with secrets however.... I create a secret using
pulumi config set --secret [name] [value]
, but when I attempt to do
I'm getting an error during
pulumi up
(see screenshot). If I hard code my variable (rather than using config) it works....I've tried the suggestions in the error, I've set the config variable to
and used
and still doesn't work....I've studied the secrets documentation....am I missing something?
I've also tried this, didn't work: const repositoryToken = cfg.requireSecret('repositoryToken').apply(x =>
You have to use repositoryToken within the
closure. Like this:
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cfg.requireSecret("repositoryToken").apply(x => useToken(x));
returns an
so you can't use it directly. Although all the Pulumi docs tell you to use
. I actually found it a lot easier to only use Promise with async/await. You can convert an
to a Promise with this:
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const fut = new Promise(f => output.apply(f));
I think requireSecret also has a version that returns a promise instead of output. Just checked it doesn't. But you can still convert it to a promise and
on it yourself.
yep, Yage is right, if you share your full code we can help, you're likely passing the secret value to a resource parameter that only takes a string
Cool....here is the code:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as resources from "@pulumi/azure-native/resources";
import * as applatform from "@pulumi/azure-native/appplatform";
import * as azureweb from "@pulumi/azure-native/web";

const cfg = new pulumi.Config();
const repositoryToken = cfg.requireSecret('repositoryToken');

const frontend = new azureweb.StaticSite("static-site-name", {
    resourceGroupName: "[resourceGroupName]",
    branch: "main",
    name: "static-site-name",
    sku: {
        name: "Free",
        tier: "Free"
    repositoryUrl: "[repositoryUrl]",
    repositoryToken: repositoryToken
every example I see doesn't show awaiting on the
call so I'm a bit confused.
...and the reference to "lifting" in the docs suggests that the code above will work if I'm not mistaken?
It's unclear to me from the docs when lifting works and when it doesn't. From my anecdotal experience it's a pain to hope lifting works and find out later that it resulted in garbage value. I just use await to make the code nicer to write and read. It's been working well for me so far. My understanding is
and async/await accomplish the same thing. But with async/await you don't get callback hell.
So with async you would do this:
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const repositoryToken =
    await new Promise(f => cfg.requireSecret('repositoryToken').apply(f)) as string;
And keep rest of the code the same. But with apply:
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cfg.requireSecret('repositoryToken').apply(repositoryToken => {
    const frontend = new azureweb.StaticSite("static-site-name", {
        resourceGroupName: "[resourceGroupName]",
        branch: "main",
        name: "static-site-name",
        sku: {
            name: "Free",
            tier: "Free"
        repositoryUrl: "[repositoryUrl]",
        repositoryToken: repositoryToken
The nesting can get annoying pretty quickly unless there's a trick I don't know about.
Maybe the pulumi apply stuff was written before async await? I'm not familiar with node/js ecosystem. 🤷