Is there any way to Pulumi to list all current sta...
# general
Is there any way to Pulumi to list all current state with keys and paths so that I can easily figure out the parameters I need to do a manual delete?
pulumi stack export
should do it
That's quite verbose.
Is there anything tidier just for the sake of doing a bit of manual state fiddling? Or am I stuck coming up with JQ to digest this?
Like I basically just need pulumi name and resource id pairs.
The URNs look like this:
But when I call
pulumi state delete
, it tells me that it can't be found.
@able-camera-57198 your shell is probably escaping the
- make sure you wrap in quotes
pulumi stack --show-urns
should also do more directly what you are looking for here.
🙏🏻 1
Thanks! I'll check it out 🙂