after upgrading to v3.18.1 today i'm having an iss...
# general
after upgrading to v3.18.1 today i'm having an issue where "pulumi new" will occasionally hang for several minutes. is anyone else seeing this?
here is the content of /tmp/pulumi.INFO after a recent invocation which took 15 minutes:
Log file created at: 2021/11/29 19:03:14
Running on machine: <REDACTED>
Binary: Built with gc go1.17.3 for linux/amd64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1129 19:03:14.615462   56351 backend.go:414] found username for access token
I1129 19:17:38.407609   56351 backend.go:414] found username for access token
I1129 19:17:38.407847   56351 ignore.go:44] Explicitly ignoring and discarding error: could not read origin information: remote not found
I1129 19:17:38.778336   56351 backend.go:414] found username for access token
I1129 19:17:38.778447   56351 backend.go:414] found username for access token
I1129 19:17:38.865952   56351 backend.go:414] found username for access token
I1129 19:17:39.035243   56351 backend.go:414] found username for access token
steps to reproduce:
$ pulumi --verbose 3 new --yes -n foo -d "Pulumi test project" -s "dev" <>