How to copy a stack from one project to another?
# general
How to copy a stack from one project to another?
you'd have to copy all of the code and settings, can you explain what you're trying to do?
Two projects created in dev and few are using one project and rest are using the other. How do i merge both
is there different infrastructure in both the stacks?
you'd need to copy the code from one stack to another
Pulumi refresh is looking for a stack
Pulumi stack export —file
I'm sorry, it's really really unclear what you're trying to do here. "two projects created in dev" - that isn't very clear "few are using one project and rest are using the other." - who is they? What's the desired end state for all this? I'd love to help, but you'll need to try and get across what you're trying to do
I am trying to merge two projects that are created by two different teams
are you using the pulumi state backend?
can you show me a screenshot of the two projects?
in the console
I don't know, i can share or not
Is there a way export stack from project A and import into project B which doesn't exists in Project B
no, there isn't a way to do that because the projects have completely different code in them
you can export the stack and import it, but then program will have different code in it, so it'll try destroy all the resources
@bored-carpenter-17346 it's late here, so signing off. Happy to get on a call if it helps later this week?