Hi all - I'm getting the following error when atte...
# general
Hi all - I'm getting the following error when attempting to import a database instance on GCP -
Copy code
gcp:sql:DatabaseInstance (app-db):
    error: gcp:sql/databaseInstance:DatabaseInstance resource 'app-db' has a problem: AtLeastOne: "settings": one of `clone,settings` must be specified. Examine values at 'DatabaseInstance.Settings'.
    error: gcp:sql/databaseInstance:DatabaseInstance resource 'app-db' has a problem: AtLeastOne: "clone": one of `clone,settings` must be specified. Examine values at 'DatabaseInstance.Clone'.
    error: one or more inputs failed to validate
Any ideas on how I resolve this?
At the risk of sounding blasé.. would you be able to add a value for either settings or clone? https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/gcp/api-docs/sql/databaseinstance/
Yeah, that makes sense but how do I add these to a resource that I'm importing? Shouldn't the import work out what these values are?
@abundant-yacht-50678 these are nearly always bugs, please open an issue with the provider github
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