To be able to use a wildcard certificate I need to...
# general
To be able to use a wildcard certificate I need to go through the steps shown in the Azure portal on the image. My question how do I add it to keyVault in Pulumi? I got the following code when importing the cert
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CertificateOrder = new CertificateOrder("mycert", new CertificateOrderArgs
    AutoRenew = true,
    KeySize = 2048,
    Location = "global",
    Name = "mycert",
    ProductType = "WildCard",
    ResourceGroupName ="myresourcegroup",
    ValidityInYears = 1,
but there is no keyVaultId to be found. But Web.Certificate has KeyVaultId
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var cert= new AzureNative.Web.Certificate("cert", new AzureNative.Web.CertificateArgs
  KeyVaultId = KeyVault.Id,
So how can I hook them together? I should probably use Correct? But how?
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var exampleCertificate = new Azure.KeyVault.Certificate("exampleCertificate", new Azure.KeyVault.CertificateArgs
    KeyVaultId = KeyVault.Id,
    KeyVaultCertificate = new Azure.KeyVault.Inputs.CertificateCertificateArgs
        Contents = "??", //what would go in here? CertificateOrder.?
        Password = "??"
There is a keyvault connection it seams but how do I set it?
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var thereIsAKeyVaultConnection = CertificateOrder.Certificates.First().Apply(x => x.KeyVaultId);
Just to try I did things manually in the UI and got a "application/x-pkcs12" secret into the keyVault. I then exported it with
pulumi import azure:keyvault/secret:Secret CertificateOrderSecret "<>..."
and got code for the secret to import. My question now is, is it enough? And it created an Output.CreateSecret() with a long value that I guess I should not add to source code like that and should use
pulumi config set mycert longvaluehere -secret
@great-queen-39697 trather his one
(note that I'm in the native provider, not the classic one)
So, if I'm reading the API docs correctly, KeyVault is one of the Azure services: So you need KeyVault turned on in your Azure system (which is something you need to go through Azure's docs for: And then you're using this API to work with the Vault itself:
👍 1
Yes I want to be in the native stack I found out today. And Ill look at this tomorrow but now its almost 24:00 were I live so Ill get back to this tomorrow. I apreciate all your help!
No worries! Feel free to leave me questions when you do get back on; async works for me.
Hi @sticky-exabyte-94099 were you able to solve this? Please share. Thanks
I created a key vault resource following and passed the id to web.certificate but got this error
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certificate (azure-native:web:Certificate)
error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=400 Code="BadRequest" Message="The parameter Properties.KeyVaultId has an invalid value." Details=[{"Message":"The parameter Properties.KeyVaultId has an invalid value."},{"Code":"BadRequest"},{"ErrorEntity":{"Code":"BadRequest","ExtendedCode":"51008","Message":"The parameter Properties.KeyVaultId has an invalid value.","MessageTemplate":"The parameter {0} has an invalid value.","Parameters":["Properties.KeyVaultId"]}}]
How are you getting the ID? Can you share a bit of code?
@green-intern-53931 hi sorry I had to postpone working on this since it was taking to much effort. But now I'm sitting down again and will try this all out again... when I have this working (or not) I´ll ping you here again
Thanks @sticky-exabyte-94099 Hi @great-queen-39697 I get the Id from the key vault resource like this
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure_native from "@pulumi/azure-native";

const certificate = new azure_native.web.Certificate("certificate", {
    hostNames: ["ServerCert"],
    location: "East US",
    name: "testc6282",
    password: "<password>",
    resourceGroupName: "testrg123",
create the key vault resource like this
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure_native from "@pulumi/azure-native";

const vault = new azure_native.keyvault.Vault("vault", {
    location: "westus",
    properties: {
        accessPolicies: [{
            objectId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            permissions: {
                certificates: [
                keys: [
                secrets: [
            tenantId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
        enabledForDeployment: true,
        enabledForDiskEncryption: true,
        enabledForTemplateDeployment: true,
        sku: {
            family: "A",
            name: "standard",
        tenantId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    resourceGroupName: "sample-resource-group",
    vaultName: "sample-vault",