<@UB27BHS4B> is it built anywhere? Or should we pu...
# python
@incalculable-sundown-82514 is it built anywhere? Or should we pull down Master and build locally?
We’re working to do a full-stack release of the first Python packages today, so if you don’t mind waiting a few hours, stay tuned and you’ll be able to use PyPI!
awesome, I will keep an eye open, will you be posting here after you are done?
thanks for the fast reply, eagerly awaiting it. I am just starting to POC with Pulumi (coming from Terraform) and figured it's best to go 3.6 native since Jan 1, 2020 will be here before we all know it.
we thought the same 😄 . Awesome to hear that! I’ll keep you updated today, feel free to shoot me a DM or post in here if you have any questions/trouble