another question, when I do print(dir(storageaccou...
# python
another question, when I do print(dir(storageaccount)) i can see connection strings properties. but I dont see one for signalr, for example (Azure provider) questionmark
Not sure I quite follow the question?
ok, the question is (essentially) how do I pull out connection string from signalr resource? i can pull it from storageaccount resource, but I dont see a way of doing it for the signalr resource
also, i dont see resource output documented in the api reference?
what resource is this?
whoops, looks like our doc generator choked on that one…
I’ll open an issue for those docs. In the mean time, here are the docs for that resource in Node:
the properties will be similarly named, except in Python they will be
ok, but its not about doc generator. I've examined the output. it has got no connection string property
nodejs docs also dont mention connection strings, for some reason
That’s right - there is not a connection string output on this resource. I’m not sure the format of those connections strings, but I assume it can be constructed from the outputs that are available? Do you have a link to Azure documentation on the connection string format for this resource?
there is an RP call that can give you a connection string
for example, storage account doesnt have a property called connection string, but there is an RP call to get keys
any thoughts? 🙂 something that can be fixed easily? this is a blocker, i really want to use this instead of terraform 🙂
Curious - how do you do this in Terraform?
i dont do this exactly in it.
it appears it doesnt support it either
Ahh - looks like these were added recently and will be in the next release of the Azure provider (for both TF and Pulumi).
ok, any eta?
because couple of weeks time if fine. couple of months is not so fine 😉
We try hard to track upstream Terraform on the order of weeks and certainly not months. We’ve been slowed down a bit by the big breaking changes in the azure terraform provider, though.
I’ll get back to you with a more concrete answer
ok, not months is fine with me
We'll ship this days (or hours!) of it being available upstream. It has not yet been released in the upstream provider though - I expect it will be within the next week or two. cc @stocky-spoon-28903 who is likely tracking more closely.