also, default values in Pulumi.yaml seem to not wo...
# python
also, default values in Pulumi.yaml seem to not work?
There is not a concept of "default values in Pulumi.yaml". Curious what led you to think there was? In practice, in the current model, you just put defaults in your program - like:
Copy code
let config = new pulumi.Config()
let thing = config.get("thing") || "defaultThing";
all the yaml files looks like this in the example repo:
which suggests you can pick a default value
yeah, so I'm not sure what that means or how to use it?
I see - yes - that is currently just part of the template (
pulumi new
) functionality - which drives the prompts you see during a
pulumi new
operation. This is slightly more clear if you expand the screenshot a little - but definitely understand the confusion. We do expect to make some improvements generally around config in the not-too-distant future - see
(sorry - meant to attach the image to the reply - somehow Slack sent the image but not the reply).
ok, from reading that I assume that the values in the yaml file do not work yet?
is not used for configuration. The current configuration values are stored in
(confusing that these have similar names - the two files are completely unrelated). Defaults and how the config is used/interpreted is entirely up to the program. Note that this is related to the use of "code" vs. "configuration DSLs" - we lean on the code to do as much of the work as possible.
ok, if its not used for configuration, why all examples specify default values for config parameters in it? 🙂 what do those mean? or what are those used for (if anything at all?)
Those are in a
section which is used when templates are installed via
pulumi new
, or via
New Project
in the Pulumi console.