another question: i pass the default namespace to ...
# python
another question: i pass the default namespace to the k8s provider, but all the resources are being created in the default ns, is this expected?
That’s odd, I’m not sure of the semantics here. @microscopic-florist-22719? I’d expect it to deploy into that namespace.
i think its a bit weird, so it works when everything is in the same file, but when I import a function from another file and pass it my provider with namespace=something, it creates stuff in default namespace, at least that's my impression
@little-river-49422 I see, so by “validation” you mean something other than schema validation?
what do you want to be validated?
The provider thing is very strange. @incalculable-sundown-82514 , any case this is a weird python thing?
That sounds bizarre, that’s not a normal Python behavior that I’m aware of