Pulumi isn’t opinionated at all, you can totally d...
# python
Pulumi isn’t opinionated at all, you can totally do that if you want
sure you can, its just unreasonable to manage such thing. its like monolithic configuration for microservices. why? 🙂
I’m saying that you’re free to manage your applications however you like
monolithic or otherwise
ok, i'm just trying to make a point, that this is probably something people would like to do 😉
Levi’s point is that detecting the cross-stack dependency is interesting
(i.e. your kubernetes app stack depends on the stack that creates the kubernetes cluster)
and you can’t safely delete the kubernetes cluster without first deleting the app stacks
yep, but wait, that is not yet in python, right? not that I need it, just asking
it’s not yet, but the fact that it’s not is just a time issue - it wouldn’t take more than a day of engineering to get it done.