I tried encapsulating everything in an asyn def ma...
# python
I tried encapsulating everything in an asyn def main() and then calling that from an asyncio loop, but that clashed with pulumi already wrapping my stuff in its own loop/invocation.
Ron, did you ever get the answer?
well, itโ€™s complicated ๐Ÿ™‚
To pass the output of a get_x pulumi call to another pulumi resource needs the following: async def get_my_info(params): result = pulumi_aws.ec2.get_something() return result.id # in your user code a_thing = pulumi_aws.ec2.SomeResource(params, input_id = get_my_info()) The get_my_info function will get called as part of the setup for the SomeResource invocation by the provider at run time.
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