Creating an AWS tag from the name value of a Kuber...
# python
Creating an AWS tag from the name value of a Kubernetes output:
Copy code
    "Name": f"{config.require('')}_"
            f"{base_namespace.metadata['name'].apply(lambda x: str(x))}_backups",
Is giving me this tag:
Copy code
clustername_<pulumi.output.Output object at 0x7f1d972fa160>_backups
How am I supposed to be doing this?
In general, it beggars belief how difficult Pulumi makes it to get regular primtive Python types out of Pulumi objects.
I feel extremely misled by the claim that I get the full power of a programming language when I choose Pulumi, because it's so hard to do anything within this programming model.
Can you declare your tag inside apply {}?
I feel your pain @clean-engineer-75963. It's a bit constraining without access to the primitive types