One of my pulumi-managed Kubernetes Deployments wa...
# python
One of my pulumi-managed Kubernetes Deployments was mysteriously deleted from Kubernetes, presumably by pulumi, and now pulumi doesn't think it needs to recreate it.
pulumi refresh
shows "delete" under the "Plan" column for this resource. I'm not sure what that means.
I tailed kube-controller-manager logs to verify that something did indeed delete it.
presumably by pulumi, and now pulumi doesn't think it needs to recreate it.
That would be a little surprising. Can you tell from history of deployments whether there was any deletion scheduled by Pulumi?
pulumi refresh
shows "delete" under the "Plan" column for this resource. I'm not sure what that means.
That sounds ~expected - the refresh will remove this resource from your state file. ( I thought we used a word like "removed" instead of "deleted" here though). Once it's removed so that the Pulumi view is reconciled with your cluster, a
pulumi up
should try to recreate it for you.
Unfortunately I've been spamming
pulumi up
repeatedly trying to get a different resource to work, and I wasn't paying attention to this one until I noticed it was missing.
pulumi refresh
pulumi up
doesn't recreate this deployment, though. The
neither tries to delete nor create the Deployment.
pulumi stack
lists the resource, meaning, I guess, that it's still in the state?
I changed a parent resource of the deployment and that triggered
pulumi up
to "replace" it. (There was nothing there for it to replace...)