Hi fellow Pulumi Folks. I was hoping I could get s...
# python
Hi fellow Pulumi Folks. I was hoping I could get someone to look at the following issue I posted a while back. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/3596 as this behavior has stopped me from being able to move forward and if there is additional information needed from me Thanks.
cc @microscopic-florist-22719
@white-balloon-205 any idea?
I spent some time looking at this - but can't recreate the repro for this with what's provided - is it possible to provide a more standalone repro? The problem being described there is very surprising, and I don't know of anything related to that that has changed between those versions - but I'd love to be able to try your actual repro to understand better what you are seeing.
Hi Luke, thanks for taking a look at this. I am going to spend some time today detailing the steps and what is needed to reproduce.