Or, am I expected to use the Pulumi Terrafrom Brid...
# python
Or, am I expected to use the Pulumi Terrafrom Bridge (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform) to add providers that haven't been ported from Terrafrom into Pulumi? If that is the case, I think I might need some help because the readme is very basic and I didn't really find a tutorial on how to port a provider using the bridge.
You can use this repo as the boilerplate for porting a Terraform provider to Pulumi. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-tf-provider-boilerplate/blob/master/README.md Once you have something working locally - feel free to reach out on #contribute and cc @broad-dog-22463 and we can work on helping get this supported for others to use as well.
Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a go. Hopefully, I'll end up with something to contribute.