Hi all, not sure if this is a python sdk specific ...
# python
Hi all, not sure if this is a python sdk specific problem, but my hope is that you have some good input for me on this one. I have wrestled for a while to get my SQL database to scale properly in Azure by change the DTU or pricing tier using the
param with the
resource. However, it seems like the
param mess things up by try to re-import/create the database again, even if it already exists.
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sql.DatabasesClient#CreateImportOperation: Failure sending request: StatusCode=400 -- Original Error: Code="Failed" Message="The async operation failed." InnerError={"unmarshalError":"json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field serviceError2.details of type map[string]interface {}"} AdditionalInfo=[{"code":"0","details":[{"code":"0","message":"There was an error that occurred during this operation : '\u003cstring xmlns=\"<http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/>\"\u003eError encountered during the service operation. ; Exception Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac.Services.ServiceException:Target database is not empty. The import operation can only be performed on an empty database.; \u003c/string\u003e'","severity":"16","target":null}],"innererror":[],"message":"There was an error that occurred during this operation : '\u003cstring xmlns=\"<http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/>\"\u003eError encountered during the service operation. ; Exception Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dac.Services.ServiceException:Target database is not empty. The import operation can only be performed on an empty database.; \u003c/string\u003e'","target":null}]
The change of the price tier and DTU works fine behind the scenes. After refreshing the resources everything works as expected. Am I doing something wrong here, or is there some way of ignoring the import during resource updates?
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database = sql.Database(
        requested_service_objective_name=config.get('database.service_objective') or "S0", 
                 "administrator_login_password": sqlserver_random_password.result,
My initial thought was to check if the database already exists with
and change the import block based on the result, but that seems like a messy solution?