<@U010UU3CUS2> that Kubernetes guide is using our ...
# python
@sparse-state-34229 that Kubernetes guide is using our
module which is a set of higher-level components on top of the low-level AWS resources.
is only available for TypeScript and JavaScript currently so that representation of an EKS cluster won't match exactly what you see in Python.
The same arguments are used in the
module docs...hmm
Yea, there might be some overlap in the arguments as they ultimately get passed to the same "raw" aws resources.
cluster code is at https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/nodejs/eks/cluster.ts. You could likely find what you're looking for in there.
thanks, pretty sure I looked there already but I will double check. not feeling good about using python with pulumi given this lol šŸ˜ž
We do have more examples and high-level packages (EKS and AWSX) in TypeScript, but the capabilities are the same across all the languages. To put it another way,
comes pre-assembled, where using EKS with
requires assembly.
yeah looks like I need to use
like this https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/blob/master/nodejs/eks/cluster.ts#L610
hm shit, this presents a chicken/egg problem: my eks cluster is completely private and provisioned with the VPC lol
Not sure I follow... which is the chicken and which is the egg
VPC and EKS are in the same stack, Iā€™m running pulumi from my workstation
EKS is private thus only accessible from VPC
I may move EKS into another stack, or peer with a VPC w/bastion
so the VPC is the chicken and EKS is the egg
fffff Iā€™m so close
Copy code
error: resource kube-system/aws-auth was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : ConfigMap in version "v1" cannot be handled as a ConfigMap: v1.ConfigMap.Data: ReadString: expects " or n, but found [, error found in #10 byte of ...|apRoles":[{"groups":|..., bigger context ...|{"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"mapRoles":[{"groups":["system:masters"],"roleArn":"bastion-75|...
hmm think I got it, just need to figure out how to update an existing ConfigMap
took a break, came back and got it:
Copy code
config_map_data = {
            "mapRoles": pulumi.Output.all([bastion_role_arn]).apply(
                lambda x: yaml.dump(
                            "rolearn": x[0][0],
                            "username": "bastion",
                            "groups": ["system:masters"],

        node_access = ConfigMap(
            metadata={"name": "aws-auth", "namespace": "kube-system"},
                provider=self._provider(), depends_on=[self.cluster]
šŸ‘ 2
thanks for the help @gentle-diamond-70147!
Glad you got it working. šŸ‘