Hello .. I'm just getting started working with Pul...
# python
Hello .. I'm just getting started working with Pulumi in Python. I'm just trying to create an S3 bucket website per the tutorial https://www.pulumi.com/docs/tutorials/aws/s3-website/ but porting to Python. But as soon as I do
site_bucket = s3.Bucket('my-site-name', website={'indexDocument': 'index.html'})
pulumi up
(which succeeds)
pulumi up
won't work again
Copy code
  aws:s3:Bucket (my-site-name):
    error: preparing urn:pulumi:my-site-name::my-site-name::aws:s3/bucket:Bucket::my-site-name's old property state: expected string or JSON map; got <nil>
... anybody see what I'm missing here?