OK, but I'm apparently back to where I was. I have...
# python
OK, but I'm apparently back to where I was. I have
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my_net = openstack.networking.Network("Network-Name-As-Seen-In-Openstack", admin_state_up="true", name="Network-Name-As-Seen-In-Openstack", opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(import_='network-uuid-from-openstack'))
define a security group
with some rules, and then
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instance = openstack.compute.Instance("my_test.example.internal", flavor_name="some_flavor", image_name="image_name", key_pair="my_key", security_groups=[sec_git], networks=[my_net])
and when I do
pulumi preview
it complains about
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error: openstack:compute/instance:Instance reousrce 'my_test.example.internal' has a problem: network.0: expected object, got string