Hello, Since this morning, I'm getting this error...
# python
Hello, Since this morning, I'm getting this error, on a project that worked until now:
Copy code
aws:codebuild:Project (develop-Codebuild-Project-build):
    error: aws:codebuild/project:Project resource 'develop-Codebuild-Project-build' has a problem: Attribute must be a whole number, got 480
    error: aws:codebuild/project:Project resource 'develop-Codebuild-Project-build' has a problem: Attribute must be a whole number, got 60
How do I know which attribute is causing an issue? Using -v does not provide a single error message, only debug. In the entirety of the output, the number 60 and 480 do not appear at all.
Thanks for opening the issue. Looking into it.
In case anyone is looking for it: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/1129