Hello! I am new to Pulumi and Python. I'm attempti...
# python
Hello! I am new to Pulumi and Python. I'm attempting to implement unit testing but I'm running into an error while running my test
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pulumi.config.ConfigMissingError: Missing required configuration variable 'project:BILLING_ACCOUNT'
    please set a value using the command `pulumi config set project:BILLING_ACCOUNT <value>`
Could someone point me in the correct direction on the best way to handle this?
suspect you need to point to your config file
I believe you're encountering https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/4472 which has examples of workarounds for the various languages.
@gentle-diamond-70147 Yes I believe you're correct. Would you know the best way to approach this in Python?
Sorry... I skimmed the comments there too quickly earlier. I think passing or setting
with your configuration data is your best option.