Hey folks - is there a way to quiet things that ar...
# python
Hey folks - is there a way to quiet things that are logged with
Hey Max. Do you mind to give an example please? Or maybe share some code so I can understand. 😀
Sure. We use: • docker buildx, an experimental build tool that doesn't really support a
• pulumi-docker pulumi-docker automatically `pulumi.log.warn`s all Docker output - unfortunately, that's a ton of text that shows up during a
pulumi up
. It'd be nice to have some way to configure "oh, don't print any warns from the module
", or something like that. I ended up monkeypatching my own 🤷 https://github.com/grapl-security/grapl/pull/914/files#diff-b65f2863650d5a04fe3e2adfd994e065e30966d05d6ea471793654fc9fce2946