Hey all, started using Pulumi at work for setting ...
# python
Hey all, started using Pulumi at work for setting up our AWS infrastructure (mainly API's and lambda functions) and it's been a joy so far! We've gotten to a point where we're adding provisioned concurrency to a lambda function following the example here: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/258d3bad0a00020704743e37911c51be63c06bb4/aws-py-serverless-raw/__main__.py#L94 I figured out how to actually publish the function using the publish input argument so that there's a published version for the Provisioned Concurrency Config and noticed that the versions start at 1. The lambda contains a custom python package with a SEMVER version. If I wanted to tag the lambda version to that SEMVER value instead, is there a way to feed in that value along with the
argument? Or is this a use case for creating lambda aliases with that SEMVER value instead?
Ah sorry, meant to post this in #aws