hey Pulumi team, we are being bitten again by sile...
# python
hey Pulumi team, we are being bitten again by silence swallowing of exceptions happening in futures. Is there a way to deal with this issue? I don't think swallowing exceptions, which effectively results in a given resource being not seen by Pulumi (and even worse, if the resource was already created , this leads to a destroy) is an option. How this can be reproduced: • Make some target groups • Export or pass them to ECSService in the
• Apply on the target groups and build the payload expected by AWS with a loop or something • Put an exception in the loop • Exception is not reraised • ECSService is not created or it is dropped
hey @nutritious-shampoo-16116 -is there an open issue for this?
not sure, probably not
would you mind filing one, with a repro?
it seems there are two
which apparently are fixed, but we still see them? We run the bleeding edge version of pulumi
gonna file an issue with a case tomorrow morning
thank you, much appreciated