Anyone running Pulumi on M1 Mac ? Ran into this gu...
# python
Anyone running Pulumi on M1 Mac ? Ran into this guy, curious if anyone has worked around it yet. Have been doing some research and not seeing a ton.
python3.9/site-packages/grpc/_cython/, 0x0002): symbol not found in flat namespace '_CFRelease'
don't think I've seen that one, would you mind opening an issue?
Certainly, was running under the assumption I may be doing something wrong but I don't see anything in the #python channel with anyone mentioning running on M1
Will do in a bit, appreciate the quick outreach
@billowy-army-68599 - Going to dig around first a bit more, just getting back to looking at this. It doesn't appear to be a "pulumi" issue - more of a package issue for grpc. So I'm a bit hesitant to submit the issue since it may be an issue with a supporting package. Let me know if you think it's still worth submitting
I believe it is, especially if other's might run into it and we find a fix
Alright, I'll submit one tonight. I'm going to just do a little more poking around to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. I'm just surprised no one else ran into this on an M1 Mac yet
Tried playing around a bit more with it, everything on my end seems lined up and fine.
I wish I had M1 so I can try to reproduce it. I might ask a friend of mine to check it or try to utilise machines available on GH Actions (their
machine is M1 AFAIR).
I wish you had one too!
Thanks for the link, will check it out
Hey @billowy-army-68599/@prehistoric-activity-61023 - appears the issue was from running any Python above 3.8.9
I just did a clean wipe and started from 3.8.9 Python, base version that ships with M1 mac.
No problem
So I'm guessing something with 3.9+ is an issue ? Want me to close out that issue or leave it for further investigation with higher versions of Python
hah, nice debugging!
Ha, yeah some guy on a DevOps discord with an M1 was able to run it
so the question was: how so, right? 😉
I'm betting the higher versions of Python aren't compatible with all the packages or something
But..I'm not going to mess with anything
I got this working which is what I needed 😆
anyway, I wouldn’t close it as we still don’t know whether it’s pulumi issue or python/grpc related bug
Sure, will leave it open
Appreciate the help by all!
just edit it so it clearly states you have to use python 3.9+
@hallowed-animal-47023 are you using rosetta in your terminal session?
I was not
And am not currently*
I’m asking cause I’m afraid it might be related to that (arm vs x64)
Can you run:
Copy code
>>> import platform
>>> platform.machine()
and paste the output here so I won’t have to bother you later?
Copy code
Python 3.9.9 (main, Nov 21 2021, 03:16:13)
[Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import platform
>>> platform.machine()
let me make sure it still works
only thing i've done since earlier was install pycharm, unsure if that updated my python version
But it appears to still work
(._.) <--- me right now
My current guess is: corrupted/invalid python venv. When you install pycharm, maybe, maybe it recreate the venv? (but why should it do that)
anyway, it looks like it’s not really related to python version
if you manage to repro it again, please add a comment to the issue
Will do