Trying to install the tf2pulumi following the READ...
# install
Trying to install the tf2pulumi following the README but i am getting an error from the first step
go get <|>...
“Impossible type assertion”
go/src/ impossible type assertion: *schema.Provider does not implement “”.ResourceProvider (wrong type for Apply method) have Apply(*“”.InstanceInfo, *“”.InstanceState, *“”.InstanceDiff) (*“”.InstanceState, error) want Apply(*“”.InstanceInfo, *“”.InstanceState, *“”.InstanceDiff) (*“”.InstanceState, error) go/src/ impossible type assertion: *schema.Provider does not implement “”.ResourceProvider (wrong type for Apply method) have Apply(*“”.InstanceInfo, *“”.InstanceState, *“”.InstanceDiff) (*“”.InstanceState, error) want Apply(*“”.InstanceInfo, *“”.InstanceState, *“”.InstanceDiff) (*“”.InstanceState, error)
Just tried myself, and it worked for me. Are you sure you did the
dep ensure
step and it succeeded? Do you have a
folder inside
? The above error suggests that vendored dependencies are not being found.
It seems to build and install but I wasn’t sure those vendor related providers were needed.
And there is a vendor folder in tf2pulumi
I see. Is it working for you now? It may be that the
go get
in the first step is trying to build? If so that won't work and we'll need to suggest git clone instead. Definitely would like to offer binaries/installers here as well.
Coming back to this from yesterday, i think I ended up going that route with git clone
Yeah. the go get is not getting vendors/dependencies
thanks for clarifying
Ahh - looks like we should pass
to the
go get
command to ensure it doesn't try to build (which won't work as you point out here). Will fix.
👍 1