Hi pulumi team, first of all thanks for providing ...
# install
Hi pulumi team, first of all thanks for providing pulumi, I prefer it over terraform 🙂 I'm having problems getting it to run inside our CI/CD pipeline and since there is no channel for the CLI or for the docker-image, I figured install is better than general. When I run
pulumi login <azblob://pulumi>
then I get
error: problem logging in: failed to get the home path: getting current user: luser: unable to get current user
. I don't think it is connected to the azure blob storage, but to our environment. The CLI is taken from https://hub.docker.com/r/pulumi/pulumi:latest and we run it on Openshift (v3.11) as a Jenkins Kubernetes Agent. Since containers on Openshift are not running as a special user, but random, I assume that this is the reason for the failure. We have also set the HOME env, but still it fails. Any ideas?
after digging through the code base and trying endless things I landed on https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/cli/environment-variables/ and learned there is a PULUMI_HOME - setting this solves the login problem 🙂 maybe you can add this to the https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/cli/pulumi_login/ description?