We are having issues setting up the Pulumi Gitlab ...
# gitlab
We are having issues setting up the Pulumi Gitlab Integration using the guide at https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/gitlab-app/ The webhook test returns a 401 with the message
Error processing webhook.
on gitlab.com when testing the merge request events. Do you have any idea of steps to troubleshoot an issue like this?
Hi Thomas, sorry to hear that you are having problems with the integration. I am a member of the Pulumi Service Team. Unfortunately there is not much in the way of debugging this from GitLab other than the 401 response. The 401 could be due to one of the following reasons: • Are you setting up a hook for a GitLab Group or for a project? If for a Group, then you will need to add the group as an org to Pulumi and have access to that org. • Does your Pulumi account have a GitLab identity associated with it?