Hi, I am a senior cloud developer at Ubisoft. We h...
# automation-api
Hi, I am a senior cloud developer at Ubisoft. We have recently decided to use Pulumi, notably the kubernetes operator, for our k8s provisioning engine we are currently building. As such, we would like to contribute to the project. Is there a proper channel of communication to help guide our potential contributions and make sure we working with the community?
🎉 6
👍🏽 3
I think #contribute
Thanks. I didn't see the channel.
Welcome Rod! cc also @breezy-hamburger-69619 who has led a lot of the work on the Pulumi Kubernetes Operator and I'm sure would love to chat about contributions to this work.
Hi Rod, happy to answer any questions, or schedule a 1:1 to chat further. Let me know what works best for you.
Thank you. I had a chat with @glamorous-dress-74224. As I told her, we are starting our development and quite early in the process we will keep you posted. I will reach out once we have a clearer picture of our requirements!