We’ve scoped the effort for Python and C# includin...
# automation-api
We’ve scoped the effort for Python and C# including details on timeframe. Please take a look at the issues if you’re interested in following process or contributing to help accelerate the timeline. • PythonC# I'll be out on vacation this next week, but members of the team will be around for support if there is anyone who wants to get started contributing!
👍 1
I'll have a crack at this for dotnet/c# if nobody else wants to. I'm quite keen to see this implemented after all, but it would have to be during moonlight time, so progress would be sporadic.
@worried-city-86458 Happy to provide any support you need to get started. Let us know how we can best help and collaborate.
I'll like to help with python but not sure if my knowledge is enough, i have used a lot of python but just for scripting, and not much on a big software, if you guys think this may be enough i'm happy to help
@faint-table-42725 this week has been a disaster as I’ve been sick and majorly hurt my back so I’m not going to get anything done anyway. 😞