funny, I just realized that the whole API is a wra...
# automation-api
funny, I just realized that the whole API is a wrapper around pulumi cli tool:
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, “pulumi”, args...)
any plans to bring real programmatic api with no dependencies?
I just realized that the whole API is a wrapper around pulumi cli tool
This is not entirely accurate. There are portions that have been integrated with the pulumi engine's RPC interface as described here: Wrapping CLI commands was a starting point to get off the ground. Eventually everything will call into a clearly defined RPC interface from the engine, but this will still require some sort of pulumi binary to be on the path (it would be unfeasible to rewrite the engine in every language). For Go specifically, I would not be surprised if we support directly linking into the engine to enable single binary at some point. But definitely not for other languages.
👍 1