If the Pulumi Automation API can’t find modules ne...
# automation-api
If the Pulumi Automation API can’t find modules needed by my Dynamic Resource Provider, is that a sign my working directory might be wrong?
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+ pulumi-nodejsdynamic:Resource xyz creating error: _my_logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ is not defined
+ pulumi-nodejsdynamic:Resource xyz **creating failed** error: _my_logger__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ is not defined
Actually, now I’m getting a different error (different module):
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variable '_xyz_logging_gcp__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__' which indirectly referenced
		function '<anonymous>': which captured
			variable 'logger' which indirectly referenced
				function 'BufferList': which referenced
					function '[nodejs.util.inspect.custom]': which referenced
						function 'inspect': which captured
							'ObjectKeys', a function defined at
								function 'keys': which could not be serialized because
									it was a native code function.