Kind of a long shot… but has anyone had success se...
# automation-api
Kind of a long shot… but has anyone had success serializing a React app (specifically React DOM’s Server module) to render a React tree within a GCP Cloud Function or AWS Lambda function. Never tried this, but was hoping to use React to power the templating of the HTTP Callback Response.
No luck. I tried using a dynamic import, as suggested here for both a React module, and a Vue module, but with no luck:
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Capturing modules can sometimes cause problems.
    Consider using import('./src/ProductCardVueApp/index.ts') or require('./src/ProductCardVueApp/index.ts') inside function 'renderProductCardReactApp': index.ts(21,29)
I did not try using a dynamic require
But the module was not captured and uploaded in the GCP Function’s source code
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module './src/ProductCardVueApp/index.ts' which indirectly referenced
            '(productCardData) => __awaiter(void  ...': index.ts(22,17): which captured
              variable 'renderer' which indirectly referenced
                function 'renderToString':,44): which captured
                  variable 'templateRenderer' which indirectly referenced
                    function 'TemplateRenderer':,49): which referenced
                      function 'createStream':,64): which referenced
                        function 'TemplateStream':,26): which referenced
                          function 'Transform': which referenced
                            function 'Duplex': which referenced
                              function 'Readable': which referenced
                                function 'ReadableState': which referenced
                                  function 'getHighWaterMark': which captured
                                    'NumberIsInteger', a function defined at
                                      function 'isInteger': which could not be serialized because
                                        it was a native code function.

    Function code:
      function isInteger() { [native code] }
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error: Error serializing '(req, res) => __awaiter(void 0, void ...': index.ts(25,220)

    '(req, res) => __awaiter(void 0, void ...': index.ts(25,220): captured
      variable 'renderer' which indirectly referenced
        function 'renderProductCardReactApp': index.tsx(21,29): which captured
          module './src/ProductCardReactApp/index.tsx' which indirectly referenced
            '(productCardData) => server_1.render ...': index.tsx(24,17): which captured
              module './src/ProductCardReactApp/index.tsx' which indirectly referenced
                '(_a) => { var props = __rest(_a, []) ...': index.tsx(20,30): which captured
                  module './src/ProductCardReactApp/ProductCard.tsx' which indirectly referenced
                    '({ buttons, description, percentOff, ...': ProductCard.tsx(25,22): which captured
                      variable 'React' which indirectly referenced
                        function 'createElementWithValidation': react.development.js(2182,36): which referenced
                          function 'validateChildKeys': react.development.js(2068,26): which referenced
                            function 'validateExplicitKey': react.development.js(2026,28): which referenced
                              function 'setCurrentlyValidatingElement$1': react.development.js(1944,40): which referenced
                                function 'describeUnknownElementTypeFrameInDEV': react.development.js(1828,45): which referenced
                                  function 'describeNativeComponentFrame': react.development.js(1665,37): which captured
                                    variable 'componentFrameCache' which indirectly referenced
                                      function 'get': which could not be serialized because
                                        it was a native code function.
^ Vue and React errors, specifically
I tried including the module explicitly, but apparently this is not yet supported for GCP:
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codePathOptions: {
        extraIncludePaths: [join(__dirname, '../../ProductCardReactApp')],
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error: Error: codePathOptions.extraIncludePaths not currently supported in GCP.
I guess I could try a Lambda, but I was trying to do this all in GCP
Instead of using Pulumi to serialize the files, make an archive using the
resource and point it to your built app
Here’s an example:
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// Upload build output to the bucket as an alternative to
// > gsutil cp -z build/* {bucket}
globby.sync('**/*', { cwd: '../build' }).map(file => {
  const contentType = (x => (typeof x === 'string' ? x : undefined))(mime.contentType(file))
  const contentEncoding = contentType && compressible(contentType) ? 'gzip' : undefined
  const cacheControl =
    file === 'index.html'
      ? 'no-store'
      : file === 'service-worker.js'
      ? 'no-cache'
      : file.startsWith('static/')
      ? 'public, max-age=2592000, immutable'
      : undefined

  return new BucketObject(file, {
    name: file,
      contentType && compressible(contentType)
        ? new GzipFileAsset(`../build/${file}`)
        : new FileAsset(`../build/${file}`),
And here’s the implementation of `GzipFileAsset`:
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import util from 'util'
import stream from 'stream'
import { join } from 'path'
import { tmpdir } from 'os'
import { createGzip } from 'zlib'
import { createReadStream, createWriteStream } from 'fs'
import { FileAsset } from '@pulumi/pulumi/asset'

const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline)

export default class GzipFileAsset extends FileAsset {
  constructor(path: string) {
    const tempFile = `${[...Array(30)].map(() => Math.random().toString(36)[2]).join('')}.gz`
    const target = join(tmpdir(), tempFile)
      pipeline(createReadStream(path), createGzip(), createWriteStream(target)).then(() => target),
This can be simplified a bit, by the way
@prehistoric-account-60014 thank you. I wonder if this could be the start of an implementation for supporting GCP’s codePathOptions.extraIncludePaths
Perhaps, we’ve got some code that looks like this for simpler deployments
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const object = new'table-exports-function-source', {
  source: new pulumi.asset.AssetArchive({
    lib: new pulumi.asset.FileArchive('./lib'),
    '.env': new pulumi.asset.FileAsset('./.env'),
    'package.json': new pulumi.asset.FileAsset('./package.json'),
    'yarn.lock': new pulumi.asset.FileAsset('./yarn.lock'),
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In that case we just specify the few files and folders that matter as opposed to trying to emulate the
gsutil cp -z
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Thank you Miguel. I will let you know if I end up using this
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