Building out a POC with the new automation API's (...
# automation-api
Building out a POC with the new automation API's (inline programs), and seeing some warnings that I didn't have before with more traditional CLI based infra. • warning: provider config warning: "skip_credentials_validation": [DEPRECATED] This field is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0 of the Azure Provider I'm not specifying this parameter anywhere, it appears to be some sort of default • warning: name is deprecated: This property has been renamed to
and will be removed in v2.0 of this provider. The 'name' one happens a lot and seems to be tied to Azure role (assignment / lookup, hard to tell since the log doesn't indicate where) but checking all name properties (in resource creation and member variables) makes it seem like none of them support display_name
This is surprising. I wonder if this is accidental, as in your CLI program is using a different version of the Azure provider than what's running via the Automation API. Can you share the application code that is causing this?
This is from the upstream provider, scroll down to this: skip_credentials_validation #10646. The pulumi azure 3.47 is where this was released. Have you tried using the azure-native provider?
I can try swapping to Azure NextGen