I'm starting to become slightly disillusioned with...
# automation-api
I'm starting to become slightly disillusioned with my automation adventures.. 😕 I'm finding it really hard to navigate these promise explosion issues, as well as almost any other error in my pulumiProgram through the automation. Noticing some extreme resource utilization as well - my automation is basically just throwing some helm charts into a kubernetes cluster, and node is consuming about 2gb of ram. No concrete request for help here - just a slight venting of frustration 😞 I really -really- love automation, and I feel that's one of the major differentiators with Pulumi versus anything else out there, just so frustrating to try to get it to work in a stable way.
🙌 1
I'm very curious to see some of your code and see if there is any specific issues
You're not the only one, will be having a call with Piers on tuesday 😉