Hey folks, hitting a weird one with a stack that w...
# automation-api
Hey folks, hitting a weird one with a stack that was working fine and seemingly randomly broke (I was messing around with
pulumi logs -f -s
simultaneously maybe?)
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FEATURE=staging PROJECT_NAME=qa npm run create-db-seed destroy

> qa@ create-db-seed /Users/daniel/code/RedJade/infra/scripts
> tsc && node ./bin/scripts/create-db-seed.js "destroy"

project name qa
feature name staging
(node:74675) ExperimentalWarning: Conditional exports is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
CommandError: code: 255
 stderr: error: invalid character 'y' after top-level value


    at Object.createCommandError (/Users/daniel/code/RedJade/infra/scripts/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/automation/errors.js:71:17)
    at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/Users/daniel/code/RedJade/infra/scripts/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/automation/cmd.js:63:40)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:321:20)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:275:12) {
  commandResult: CommandResult {
    stdout: '',
    stderr: "error: invalid character 'y' after top-level value\n",
    code: 255,
    err: undefined
  name: 'CommandError'
Same thing happened to me yesterday but I was able to get around it by moving my automation code out of a folder shared with another stack, so was able to hand wave it away -- but then it popped up again today. It was working, working, then not working. Has anyone seen this before?
Looks like an error message, probably beginning with "y", is being returned at some point when a valid response (maybe json-like) is expected. No way to tell where the error is from this.
You may need to start bisecting...
yeah I went down that route yesterday and like I said, just moving my code resolved the issue. I am fairly certain i didn't change anything to cause an error
narrowed it down, it ONLY happens when I try to selectStack:
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const appSvcsStack = LocalWorkspace.selectStack({
    stackName: `RedJade/qa/app-services`,
    workDir: ".",
  const appSvcsOuts = await (await appSvcsStack).outputs();
which is definitely code that I have seen work repeatedly (found this function in the code -- not 100% sure I'm using it right)
@tall-scientist-89115 the error appears to come from the golang JSON encoder: https://go.googlesource.com/go/+/master/src/encoding/json/decode_test.go#460 what's in your stack outputs?
interestingly enough, changing the working directory to any directory other than the two directories which have encountered the problem before and it goes away edit: got a 409 "another update in progress" in that case
This comes from the same program but with a different working directory
I suppose a different question is: What's the best way to select an arbitrary stack outputs programmatically without messing with a workDir? I'm happy to help figure this out though I'm curious at this point
Super works, but probably not for very long
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const appSvcsStack = LocalWorkspace.selectStack({
    stackName: `RedJade/qa/app-services`,
    workDir: "../..",
edit: this does escape all Pulumi projects though, so maybe it doesn't break..I'll let you guys know.
Hey what versions of pulumi SDK and CLI are you using?
This is definitely odd.
cli is v3.1.0
sdk is also 3.1
A couple of things. I’m curious what your automation api script is doing. Are there many stacks? Are you selecting them concurrently? I think you mentioned that you only want to get the stack outputs, is that right? The next release will expose a
LocalWorkspace.stackOutputs(stackName: string)
method which will enable you to get the stack outputs without selecting each stack. I still would like to get down to the bottom of whats going on here though.
I am selecting them concurrently but once the problem begins it will also happen for just 1. That method looks perfect!
I can vscode live share or just copy paste/describe it here
which do you prefer?
I am selecting them concurrently
I think that might be the issue.
modifies global state and might be causing some unexpected behavior.
for sure that makes sense to me
copy/paste describing would be great! I’m about to head off to bed so being able to take a closer look later would be really helpful
So here's the folder structure, the scripts folder having its own dependency chain separate from the infra folder's is largely unnecessary and was done in response to the problem yesterday
Yeah just from a quick glance I’m guessing things are going wrong here:
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return await Promise.all([appSvcsStack, clusterStack, containerStack]).then(
    ([appSvcsStack, clusterStack, containerStack]) => {
      elapsed_time("fetching stacks");
      return Promise.all([appSvcsStack.outputs(), clusterStack.outputs(), containerStack.outputs()]).then(
        ([appSvcsOuts, clusterOuts, containerOuts]) => {
I think if you did the
step serially:
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const appSvcsStack = await LocalWorkspace.selectStack({
    stackName: `RedJade/qa/app-services`,
    workDir: "..",
const clusterStack = await LocalWorkspace.selectStack({
    stackName: `RedJade/${projectName}/cluster-configuration`,
    workDir: "..",
const containerStack = await LocalWorkspace.selectStack({
    stackName: `RedJade/global/container-registry`,
    workDir: "..",

return Promise.all([appSvcsStack.outputs(), clusterStack.outputs(), containerStack.outputs()]).then(
    ([appSvcsOuts, clusterOuts, containerOuts]) => {
        elapsed_time("fetching stack outputs");
        return { ... }
and then the rest of your workflow I think you would be okay.
haha yeah, the problem is the die is cast
leme rename the script folder and try tha
haha yeah, the problem is the die is cast
Ah interesting, once it gets borked theres no recovering it huh?
yeah isolating down to one and doing as you said it is done
new terminal, restarting the computer
nice find
yeah i saw that before opening this thread but his was "r" instead of "y", but I eventually saw that one too whenever the "../.." (which is outside my pulumi infra folder) borked out
renaming the folder did nothing, going to try reinstalling the CLI
In any case, I think we need to take a look at the
functionality, especially for folks who might want to be doing tasks like getting outputs or destroying multiple stacks who don’t need the global state modifying behavior of
👍 1
renaming the folder did nothing, going to try reinstalling the CLI
honestly not sure if that’s going to help. can you go to that dir (the one workdir points to) and just try using the pulumi CLI to run
pulumi stack ls
seems good
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pulumi stack ls
NAME                           LAST UPDATE     RESOURCE COUNT  URL
RedJade/app-services           7 hours ago     67              <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/app-services>
RedJade/cluster-configuration  1 week ago      29              <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/cluster-configuration>
RedJade/cluster-services       6 days ago      58              <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/cluster-services>
RedJade/identity               1 week ago      16              <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/identity>
RedJade/managed-infra          1 week ago      7               <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/managed-infra>
RedJade/staging-apps           1 day ago       0               <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/staging-apps>
RedJade/staging-database       52 minutes ago  0               <https://app.pulumi.com/RedJade/qa/staging-database>
staging-database               5 hours ago     0               <https://app.pulumi.com/mypersonalaccount/qa/staging-database>
is the global state being modified on your servers then? I've at various points tried deleting the stack and that didn't seem to have any effect, going to try that again right now just to make sure my memory isn't lying
or maybe I shouldn't muck with it
feel free to deal with this in the morning, we can arrange a call if it helps
I won't go mucking with state so maybe you can get a repro on it
Okay yeah let’s check in tomorrow 🙏🏽
Will be easier to debug on a call, thanks for bearing with us @tall-scientist-89115!
hey np, thanks for the great product/all your help up to this point
pulumi stack ls
pulumi stack
does produce the error (as does
pulumi up
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pulumi stack      
error: invalid character 'y' after top-level value