There's no reference to my current project in the ...
# automation-api
There's no reference to my current project in the stack (dev.json) I just deployed. Where is project metadata stored (if at all) when using an s3 backend with the automation API?
You can use a local backend and then explore the files. It’s the same as S3.
Right - but my question still stands - how is project metadata placed in a custom backend (s3 or local)? In my bucket I see directories for stacks, backups, and history
For now I'm just prepending my stacks with the project name
My problem has been that I've created multiple projects with the same stack name and the stack metadata is getting overwritten
Sorry I misunderstood the specifics of what you were asking. Yes that is a known current limitation of all of the file-state backends. See here: In Pulumi SaaS stack names are unique to the project. In file-state backends stack names are globally unique.
Thanks for the link. It's easy enough to workaround this (i.e. prepending the project name)