trying again: has anyone seen this error while run...
# golang
trying again: has anyone seen this error while running tests? I could use a sanity check.
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♥ λ go test -v
# <|>
../../../../../../pkg/mod/ secret.Plaintext undefined (type apitype.SecretV1 has no field or method Plaintext)
FAIL	notifying-sink [build failed]
is that a simple bucket resource @gifted-city-99717?
if so, can you bump pulumi/pkg and sdk to v2.3.0 in your go.mod file and try again?
that test does create a bucket
awesome. yup. will give it a try. thanks, Paul!
I believe this may be due to the mixed sdk and pkg versions but I can test that out tomorrow when I am back online (it's 2302 here)
but please ping me direct if that doesn't work
I can investigate in the morning
Upgrading to 2.3.0 did the trick! Thanks again for the help
Any time!
Hey @broad-dog-22463 - I upgraded to 2.4.0 and am seeing the error again:
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♥ λ go test -v -cover -tags integration
# <|>
../../../pkg/mod/ secret.Plaintext undefined (type apitype.SecretV1 has no field or method Plaintext)
I double checked to make sure I’m not importing something I shouldn’t - every import is pointing to a