Hi all, I was running into a problem with type mis...
# golang
Hi all, I was running into a problem with type mismatches that was fixed by a recent commit (see https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/CCWP5TJ5U/p1593124071219300 and the resulting thread). However, it now appears that the use of
to create maps for assigning AWS tags is broken. Sample code is threaded below.
I was using the following code pattern to assign AWS tags to various objects:
Copy code
Tags: pulumi.Map{
 	"Name": pulumi.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s-priv-rt", baseName)),
 	k8sTag: pulumi.String("shared"),
This worked with version 2.4.0 of the Pulumi SDK, but using the latest commit causes this error to appear when running `pulumi up`:
Copy code
./main.go:139:4: cannot use pulumi.Map literal (type pulumi.Map) as type pulumi.StringMapInput in field value:
    	pulumi.Map does not implement pulumi.StringMapInput (missing ToStringMapOutput method)
Is this a bug with the SDK, or am I doing something wrong? (I'd be inclined to think it was the latter if it hadn't worked earlier.)
There was a change that restricted maps to only having string values: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#2100-2020-06-23 you'll need to use
Sorry for the inconvenience.
OK, that seems to fix it. VS Code still thinks it's an error (I guess it's the Go language server reporting an issue), but
pulumi up
Great, glad to hear it's working!
BTW: making sure
was included in
fixed the "errors" in VS Code