HI , i try to create target groups .... and its do...
# golang
HI , i try to create target groups .... and its doing it , pulumi return and list of obj "[]*lb.TargetGroup" in the struct i can see pulumi.StringOutput so my qustion is how do i get this data as string so i can use it in my next ... i need to commper the name of the TG to a tag in the LB and mach the TG to LB ... i want to do it automatic as i have list of TG i create and List of TB i create second Q all my resources are add suffix i try to disable it but is not working any one know how ?
You can use
to manipulate the value of an output before using it as an input to another resource - e.g. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#apply. You cannot unfortunately use a resource output as the pulumi resource name (the second argument to
NewResource(ctx, name, ...)
). That must be a literal string.
second Q all my resources are add suffix i try to disable it but is not working any one know how ?
Can you share your code? If you're explicitly setting a
property then pulumi should use this and not add the random suffix. For some resources, such as S3 buckets, the property name is different - e.g.