hello ppl, I have a question about AWS SDK trying ...
# golang
hello ppl, I have a question about AWS SDK trying to get aws account id, found following method:
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acc, err := iam.LookupAccountAlias(ctx)
        ctx.Export("account_id", pulumi.String(acc.Id))
I expect numeric ID like here: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/caller_identity but I have the following
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account_id   : "2020-09-03 11:45:17.12209 +0000 UTC"
Is it a bug or I should use other approaches?
That does not seem right, would you mind opening an issue with repro instructions?
the .Id isn't the
it's the pulumi resource Id: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/blob/v3.2.1/sdk/go/aws/iam/getAccountAlias.go#L47-L48 although the docs show
ctx.Export("accountId", current.AccountAlias)
which also doesn't look right