Hey All, Big fan of Pulumi - automation has done ...
# golang
Hey All, Big fan of Pulumi - automation has done wonders for our deployments. We are running into an issue when restoring an RDS instance from a snapshot. We pass the snapshot ID to
pulumi up
, everything works as expected. However - when we run
pulumi up
again to make other changes Pulumi tries to replace the database entirely, using the snapshot ID previously provided. We've tried modifying the
, removing the snapshot ID in subsequent
pulumi up
commands but the same issue still persists. What are we doing wrong? How do we get Pulumi back to a good state where it's not trying to constantly try and replace our DB with the snapshot?
You need to pass ignore changes on that field so subsequent calls will ignore the state currently set in the service https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#ignorechanges
Thanks, will try that!
Ok, that worked, whew - thank you SO MUCH! ❤️